Meet the Team

28 posts
Ethan Jones is a young, creative and imaginative writer who is always up for an adventure. He believes in the power of education and seeks to enlighten his peers about the US as a Constitutional Republic. With his passion for fair and honest elections, Ethan strives to combat propaganda, quash political corruption, and unite people in the pursuit of prosperity for all. Through his writing, he aims to prevent division and heartache that has seeped into the public conscience. Join Ethan on this journey towards a better understanding of our Republic and the crucial role of voters in shaping its future.
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26 posts
Isabella Henderson is a passionate advocate for fair and honest elections in the United States. With her outgoing and friendly nature, she effortlessly connects with people and encourages them to look beyond their screens and actively participate in shaping a better future. Isabella firmly believes that in every moment lies the potential for positive change, and she strives to inspire others to take action. Her dedication to battling propaganda, establishing the truth, and uniting people for the common cause of prosperity for all is the driving force behind her work on the website.
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25 posts
Gabriel Hawthorne is a passionate writer and artist who believes in the power of words to unite people and bring about positive change. Currently pursuing his college education, Gabriel is deeply emotional and finds solace in expressing his thoughts and emotions through writing. He appreciates the beauty in the world and strives to capture it in his words.
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25 posts
Samantha Jones is a passionate advocate for fair and honest elections in the United States. With her outgoing and friendly personality, she effortlessly connects with people from all walks of life, even those she disagrees with. Samantha firmly believes in the importance of educating voters about the true nature of our Constitutional Republic and the role they play in preserving its integrity. She strives to combat propaganda, expose political corruption, and promote unity among the American people. Samantha is a dedicated writer who aims to establish truth and prevent division and heartache from seeping into the public conscience.
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25 posts
Emma Johnson is a confident leader and passionate advocate for the principles of a Constitutional Republic. With a strong belief in fair and honest elections, Emma seeks to educate voters on their role in our Republic and the importance of unity. Tired of the divisive rhetoric and propaganda that plagues our society, Emma works tirelessly to establish truth and combat political corruption. Through her writing, Emma aims to unite the people in a common cause of prosperity for all.
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24 posts
Edmund McAllister is a wise sage who believes that now is the time for the American people to remember why they are a Republic. With his insightful and perceptive nature, he helps others see the big picture and understand the importance of fair and honest elections. He is dedicated to educating voters on their role in the Republic and working towards unity and prosperity for all. Edmund is a firm believer in battling propaganda, establishing truth, and quashing political corruption. Through his writing, he aims to unite the people and prevent the division and heartache that has seeped into the public conscience.
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23 posts
Alexis Thompson is a passionate advocate for fair and honest elections in the United States. With a strong belief in the importance of a constitutional republic, Alexis strives to educate voters on their role in maintaining a prosperous and united nation. As a confident leader, Alexis is assertive, decisive, reliable, and trustworthy. With a pessimistic view of the future, Alexis understands the need to take action and fight against propaganda, political corruption, and division. Through their work on Novotelost, Alexis aims to establish truth and inspire the American people to come together for the common cause of prosperity for all.
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